Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Among the Top Ten Days

When I think about the best ever days in my life, I of course think about the day I married David, the day our son, Jake, was born, the day he graduated, days that aren't any particular day but doing things like being on the boat with my Dad or working on a project with my Mom, and playing music. A few rare best days don't really revolve around family. Sort of a best and worst day ever was September 11, 2005 - the day the Arsenal Center for the Arts opened - a project I had worked on at that time for 8 years finally culminating in a gala opening - it was also the day David was hospitalized for a heart attack and had two stints put in the ticker. I swear it wasn't because I was making him wear a tuxedo to the opening!

When I posted the last entry in this blog, I had no idea that I would have a special opportunity to chalk up another "Best Day", another cherished memory to look back upon with fondness and gratitude that I have been always so truly blessed. The little boy I talked about in that post and his amazing family came into town to visit their caregivers at Boston Children's Hospital, and see the artwork that they so generously donated. On Saturday, I got to meet Michael and his delightful big sister, Katie, and his awesome parents, Denise and Chris. His story was featured on several local news stations:



I am so grateful for the role I played in this amazing story, and truly blessed to have met this family. Above, Michael and I talk about the doggie cut-outs below the chair rail, part of the installation I created that was donated by his family to Children's Hospital.

Here is the finish for the Endocrinology art. I love my little ring-tailed lemur the best, but don't tell the tiger.

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